Formal Encounters


Genesis Breyer P-Orridge / Lou Cantor / Jamie Felton / Mi Kafchin / Philipp Kremer / Jessie Makinson / Ciprian Mureşan / Katherina Olschbaur / Daniela Pălimariu / Daniel Pitín / Aura Rosenberg / Anna Uddenberg / curated by Ben Lee Ritchie Handler

March 16 – April 28, 2018

Press Release

Curated by Ben Lee Ritchie Handler

Genesis Breyer P-Orridge • Lou Cantor • Jamie Felton • Mi Kafchin • Philipp Kremer • Jessie Makinson • Ciprian Mureşan • Katherina Olschbaur • Daniela Pălimariu • Daniel Pitín • Aura Rosenberg • Anna Uddenberg • and more…


Still up? You should come over right now. LOL.


Want your hair pulled? Your ass slapped? Your hair pulled and your ass slapped by someone who loves Taylor Swift and shares your views on Globalism? 


There’s an app for that. 


Duchamp’s readymades have been converted to algorithms and injected into the Matrix—now our every impulse is readymade. Any bodily desire articulated in 140 characters or less can be solicited and obtained in the time it takes one to discover the proper dating site. Casual encounters no longer exist; predictive technology has already vacuformed your latest nascent kink in plastic for evening delivery (afternoon if you’re a Prime member); the FBI has surveiled and persecuted you for it; a Russian troll farm has pulled it out of context and publicly shamed you.


Every facet of personal interaction is preordained by community guidelines, chatroom moderators, and pirate, national, and corporate Peeping Toms. The casual, the discrete, and the kinky are increasingly formal. 


tl;dr: Formal Encounters is an exhibition of the artist at her most privately public.






Nu dormi? Ar trebuii sa vii incoace imediat. LOL.


Vrei sa fii trasa de par? Palme la fund? Trasa de par si palmuita la fund de cineva care iubeste pe Taylor Swift si impartaseste opiniile tale in privinta “globarizarii”?


Exista o noua aplicatie pentru asa ceva.


Readymade-urile lui Duchamp au fost convertite in algoritmi si injectate in Matrix—acum orice impuls este “readymade”. Orice dorinta carnala articulate in 140 caractere, sau mai putin, poate fi solicitata si obtinuta in cat timp iti ia sa te adresezi “dating site”-ului respectiv. Intalnirile ocazionale nu mai exista; tehnologia predictiva deja a preambalat si stantat in plastic orice dorinta incipienta si a programat deliverarea de seara (dupa amiaza, daca esti un membru VIP); FBI-ul te-a survolat si acum te urmareste penal; o scoala ruseasca de hackers deja au luat lucrurile din context si acum te fac de rusine in public.


Orice aspecte ale interactiunii personale sant predeterminate de ghiduri comunitare, moderatori in chatrooms si retele pirat, nationale si corporatiste. Relatiile ocazionale, discrete sau perverse sant din ce in ce mai formale.


tl;dr: Formal Encounters este o expozitie a artistului la cel mai privat moment public.